If you are looking for a custom battery pack for your residential or commercial applications, there are several types of cells to choose from. Lithium-ion and lead-acid stand out as two of the most used batteries for various applications, such as generating solar power and use in RVs, motorhomes, and golf cart batteries. Let’s look at lead acid vs. lithium-ion batteries and see which is better and more efficient.
Lead Acid vs. Lithium-ion Batteries: How Do They Work
Both batteries operate through an electrochemical process by storing electrons and releasing them when needed. Lithium-ion batteries operate by discharging positive and negative ions between lithium electrodes. Lead acid batteries also operate similarly, albeit using a different material. While both battery options can be effective storage solutions, the different chemical composition affects their performance and cost. This is discussed in greater detail below.
The one category where lead acid batteries are better than lithium-ion ones is cost. While a lead acid system may cost you hundreds of dollars, depending on your requirements, it is still way less than a similarly sized lithium-ion battery setup, including the subsequent installation costs.
However, while lead acid may take the lead in lower costs, lithium-ion batteries provide greater lifetime value due to their robustness and longevity.
A battery capacity provides insight into its ability to store and discharge energy. While the capacity can vary between various makes, models, and manufacturers, lithium-ion batteries have a significantly higher energy capacity than their lead-acid counterparts. More energy can be stored in a similar size battery if you opt for a lithium-ion one leading to more energy discharge.
Discharge Depth
A battery’s depth of discharge measures how safely energy can be drained without damaging the overall infrastructure. Lithium-ion batteries can use up to 85% of the battery’s total capacity in a single cycle, while it is suggested not to use more than 50% of a lead-acid one. This superior depth discharge ability makes lithium-ion ones a more effective and efficient choice than lead-acid ones.
Battery efficiency should always be an important indicator and metric when purchasing. When it comes to the lead acid vs. lithium-ion battery debate, the latter is the clear winner because it is over 90% more efficient than lead acid batteries. It can charge faster, release energy efficiently, and has a longer and more effective lifespan than a lead-acid battery.
Where to Find Grade A Battery Cells?
If you’re looking to buy quality Lithium-ion batteries online, you’ve come to the right place. Ezeal is a premium supplier of custom lithium batteries used by manufacturers and commercial businesses for various purposes.
We provide custom battery packs and battery management systems, and our LiFePO4 prismatic cells continue to be a top-selling product. Visit our website to learn more about our product range, or place an order today!